See what happens when you wish for warmer days? The weather gods have a wonderful sense of humor, forcing me to enjoy the now vs. the what might be. It’s humbling and enriching times, with lots of growth and satisfying glory around my life right now. I’m extremely thankful for what I have become, what I am, and what I was able to grow from. Looking back is a great way to see just how far you’ve gone. Just don’t dwell too long on the past, or you’ll get stuck there wishing for things that were never meant to be.
It’s days like these that make me know I can do anything…just look at what I’ve already done. So much more to do…
It’s days like today that I wish I had a new camera. I’m thinking that may have to change very, very soon. With that in mind, here’s to motivation, discipline, desire, creativity, devotion, determination, and most importantly, $aving.
I get too much joy from taking pictures. So, here goes…